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Month: May 2024
New Going-to-the-Sun Road Driving & Biking Guide now for sale!
I received a fateful email in July of 2022 from a Hike 734 follower named Yolanda in reply to a newsletter I’d sent out. She explained to me that she used my Going-to-the-Sun Road Driving Guide when she biked the road in the springtime. Her suggestion of adding spring biking information to it was such…
The Clowny Ducks
“I’ve got two ducks” cracked the radio. “I’m on my way” I replied back to Ava. We were leapfrogging each other as we worked up McDonald Creek to always have eyes on the water as we surveyed up for this small, charismatic Harlequin Duck. Each spring, the ducks begin their unique west-to-east migration from the…
Trailhead Warm-up
Primed for Adventure A scenic drive coupled with your thermos of coffee or matcha might be all you need to awaken your senses and build excitement and energy for your planned hiking adventure. However, you mustn’t overlook the benefits and value of a quick trailhead warm-up. Perhaps you’ve never considered a dedicated warm-up prior to…