Author: Jake Bramante

  • Loon Day

    Loon Day

    The weekend of July 14th-15th is Loon Day where we go out and try and get as many common loons counted as possible with a bunch of us citizen scientists so we can better understand the population and what’s going on with them! We chose to do the Trout Lake area. We found some loons!!…

  • North Fork Meadows

    North Fork Meadows

    Heading up the Inside North Fork Road in Glacier National Park, there are a bunch of meadows that dot the landscape. Three of these meadows have trails. Heading north from Fish Creek, the first meadow you come to is McGee Meadow. There is an overlook from the Camas side and this trail allows you to…

  • Black Phantoms – My Wolf Encounter

    Black Phantoms – My Wolf Encounter

    I often post blogs that are either overviews of the trails, informational about gear, what’s up with me, the park, etc or educational about technique and such. I haven’t really delved into much of the stories behind my trip. That will come more and more once I get the overviews of the trails done… which…

  • Coal – Fielding Trail

    Coal – Fielding Trail

    The old South Boundary trail used to run the entire southern length of Glacier National Park along the Middle Fork of the Flathead River. Today it stops at the Coal Creek trailhead. The southernmost trail that traverses east and west is the Coal-Fielding Trail. Starting at Coal Creek, you ford the Middle Fork of the…

  • Loneman Lookout (with a little south boundary trail)

    Loneman Lookout (with a little south boundary trail)

    Considered the loneliest lookout (but named after the mountain which was called by a Blackfoot word meaning “Lone Man” or “Lone Chief”) Loneman Lookout rarely receives visitors, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fantastic. Accessibility to the lookout is one of the chief factors to this as it is in the remote southern section of…

  • Goat Lick

    Goat Lick

    In the south end of Glacier National Park, just east of Essex, lies a mineral deposit that the mountain goats find particularly delicious in the spring. While driving along Highway 2 near Essex, MT, look for the sign for the Goat Lick and pull into the parking lot. The best time to see the goats…

  • Firebrand Pass and Ole Lake and Creek

    Firebrand Pass and Ole Lake and Creek

    Over by Marias Pass lies a gem of a hike known as Firebrand Pass. Snow lingers into autumn on the northern aspects giving autumn a taste of spring with its flowers, while leaves turn brilliant red, orange and yellow everywhere else. On the southern side of the pass, it drops down into the Ole Creek…

  • Coal Nyack Loop

    Coal Nyack Loop

    While most visitors to Glacier National Park stay around Going to the Sun Road with ventures to Many Glacier and Two Medicine, the furthest north and the furthest south tend to get the least amount of attention. Few places exemplify this more than the Coal Nyack region. The Coal Nyack Loop is accessed either from…

  • Piegan Pass

    Piegan Pass

    Just east of Logan Pass in Glacier National Park lies Siyeh Bend and the start of the Piegan Pass trail. On this blog, I hiked through from Many Glacier as part of an 8 day backpacking trip to my car which was waiting for me at Siyeh Bend. I had hiked it as an out…