HIKE-ABILITY Program Feedback Survey

I appreciate you taking the time to fill out this short survey. Your honest responses will help me formulate ways to keep the program working and functioning at its best, in order to provide exceptional results to amazing people like yourself who want to increase their overall health, wellbeing, and “hike-ability”. (NOTE: All of your answers will remain anonymous — unless you choose to enter your name/email address at the end of the survey).

1. Your age at the time of enrollment in the program:(required)

2. How did you hear about the HIKE-ABILITY Training Program?(required)

4. How well did the program meet your needs and expectations?(required)

5. Did you find the online platform easy to use?(required)

6. What device(s) did you use to access the course material? (Choose all that apply)(required)

7. Did you find the length (12-weeks) of the program to be appropriate and attainable?(required)

8. Did you like the time-released schedule of the program (access granted week-by-week/phase-by-phase)? Or, would you prefer that all the content be available immediately (full-access to the entire course from Day 1)?(required)

10. Did you use the Workbook (weekly workout planner templates, log sheets, etc)?(required)

11. Did you find the weekly educational lessons valuable?(required)

12. How would you rate the value for price of the program?(required)

16. Would you be interested in:

If you are interested, you can enter your name and email address below, or to keep your survey answers anonymous you can send an email to kristen@hike734.com and let me know what you’d be interested participating in.

Thanks again for your time in filling out this survey. Now, get outside (or at least make plans to) and put your “hike-ability” to good use!
