Tag: Citizen Science

  • Poia Lake Goat and Pika survey

    Poia Lake Goat and Pika survey

    Went up to Poia Lake in the Many Glacier area of Glacier National Park for a bit of a mountain goat and pika survey for the Citizen Science program and saw a lot of birds, some mammals and a sweet bull elk! Check out my blog about Citizen Science here to learn more!

  • High Country Survey – Citizen Science

    High Country Survey – Citizen Science

    I’ve blogged about Citizen Science before and covered my first real field outing for Loon Day here and decided to show another Citizen Science project called the “High Country Survey”. In a nutshell, Citizen Science is funded by the Glacier National Park Fund and provides a little bit of classroom training, then unleashes volunteers (wannabe…

  • Loon Day

    Loon Day

    The weekend of July 14th-15th is Loon Day where we go out and try and get as many common loons counted as possible with a bunch of us citizen scientists so we can better understand the population and what’s going on with them! We chose to do the Trout Lake area. We found some loons!!…

  • Citizen Science

    Citizen Science

    A really great program in Glacier National Park for wannabe biologists such as myself is the Citizen Science Program which is part of the Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center. This program is partially funded by my sponsor, the Glacier National Park Fund and is a great way for folks to get involved with…