Tag: hiking

  • Jewel Basin Hawk Watch 2023

    Jewel Basin Hawk Watch 2023

    As summer wanes in later August, my fellow bird nerds and I get excited for an annual event, raptor migration. Unlike many bird species that migrate at night, raptors such as hawks, eagles, and falcons, choose the day time along mountain ridges where they can ride currents and updrafts. This saves valuable energy as they…

  • Climbing Iceberg Peak and South Iceberg Peak 2023

    Climbing Iceberg Peak and South Iceberg Peak 2023

    It’s a big day full of trail miles and elevation, but the payoff for covering over 20 miles and 5,000ft in elevation gain is the incredible views looking down on the iconic Iceberg Lake and incredible views all day long from Iceberg Peak and it’s neighbor down the ridge, South Iceberg Peak, in Glacier National…

  • Avoid This Common Exercise Mistake — Your Knees Will Thank You!

    Avoid This Common Exercise Mistake — Your Knees Will Thank You!

    Are YOU making this common exercise mistake? You might not even realize that you are!It may seem insignificant, however the positioning of your knee actually has a HUGE significance on your knee health and function; additionally it can be an indication of muscle weakness in the hip girdle. Knee awareness It’s important to pay attention…

  • What’s in our Day Hiking Backpacks

    What’s in our Day Hiking Backpacks

    When I first got interested in hiking and backpacking after moving back to Montana, I opened up Backpacker Magazine and started creating a list of items I needed to purchase to explore the great outdoors. Unfortunately, I ended up with boots that gave me blisters and hurt my feet, a tent that was too heavy,…

  • The “The Goldilocks Approach” to Hiking Training

    The “The Goldilocks Approach” to Hiking Training

    Finding an optimal amount of training that will safely and effectively support your hiking and fitness related goals.

  • PAIN… a “Four-letter Word” that Doesn’t Belong on the Trail.

    PAIN… a “Four-letter Word” that Doesn’t Belong on the Trail.

    PAIN… We’ve all experienced it to some degree, whether an all-out debilitating pain that sidelines you, or a nagging day-to-day discomfort that just keeps showing up. Needless to say it’s not desirable, and it definitely doesn’t enhance one’s experience on the trail.  Do you suffer with knee pain or back discomfort on the trail? You…

  • “Spring” into Training

    “Spring” into Training

    While the winter snowpack has yet to give way to dirt trails, green grass, or wildflowers (at least in NW Montana), springtime is still a wonderful time to get out and put some training miles and elevation on your legs. If you have summer plans that involve hiking, I’d encourage you to harness the excitement…

  • Wearable Fitness Trackers – They’re more than a step or calorie counter!

    Wearable Fitness Trackers – They’re more than a step or calorie counter!

    A heart rate monitor (HRM)/fitness tracker can be a beneficial piece of exercise equipment that not only measures your cardiorespiratory fitness level, but also helps guide your workouts and allows you to train smarter. Wearable fitness trackers have come a long way since the basic step-counters (pedometer). Now, these devices commonly have features such as:…

  • Cardiorespiratory Fitness:  Aerobic Training

    Cardiorespiratory Fitness: Aerobic Training

    This blog is part of a series of posts discussing various components of hiking fitness. If you haven’t already, you’ll want to check out the previous blogs The Importance of Strength Training , Restoring Proper Muscle Activation, The Importance of Core Stability, and Mobility Training. February is American Heart Month, and it’s a time to bring awareness to the…