Author: Kristen Bramante

  • Gunsight Lake and Florence Falls

    Gunsight Lake and Florence Falls

    I visited Gunsight Lake in 2014 as part of a memorable 20 mile day hike that took us to Gunsight Pass, Lake Ellen Wilson, Lincoln Pass, Sperry Chalet, and out to Lake McDonald Lodge. So when some of my girlfriends invited me to hike with them to Gunsight Lake I gladly accepted the invitation to…

  • Scenic Point 2017 by Mrs. Hike 734

    Scenic Point 2017 by Mrs. Hike 734

    Jake is currently in Yosemite National Park working on his next Hike 734 project.  If you regularly follow his blogs you might have seen me tagging along behind him on his hiking adventures. I won’t be able to join him in Yosemite until August, but that won’t keep me from hitting the trail. I wrapped…