• High Country Survey – Citizen Science

    High Country Survey – Citizen Science

    I’ve blogged about Citizen Science before and covered my first real field outing for Loon Day here and decided to show another Citizen Science project called the “High Country Survey”. In a nutshell, Citizen Science is funded by the Glacier National Park Fund and provides a little bit of classroom training, then unleashes volunteers (wannabe…

  • Lincoln Lake

    Lincoln Lake

    Right off of Going to the Sun Road next to Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park, Lincoln Lake trailhead starts and heads up Snyder Ridge in a hurry. It doesn’t offer much in views except little pockets where you’ll get small views of the lake or some surrounding mountains. It starts out in the characteristic…

  • Kishenehn


    Tucked away in the remote northwestern corner of Glacier National Park is an area known as Kishenehn. Before the North Fork Road existed, a road/trail existed on the east bank of the North Fork Flathead River (now known as the Inside North Fork Road) that went from the Belton Train Station all the way up…

  • Mineral Creek Cabin

    Mineral Creek Cabin

    In the early days of Glacier National Park, there were two trails that went up McDonald Creek around Flattop Mountain from Packer’s Roost. One went up McDonald Creek towards Trapper Creek and joined the Northern Highline by the Fifty Mountain Campground while the other went up Mineral Creek, passed a cabin and joined the Northern…

  • Iceberg Peak

    Iceberg Peak

    Right above one of the more popular destinations in the Many Glacier area of Glacier National Park, Iceberg Peak looks down upon the gorgeous Iceberg Lake. There are no trails to the top, but you have to walk on one for a bit before the climb. Getting to Iceberg Peak means that you’ll be taking…

  • Rising Sun

    Rising Sun

    In the St. Mary area of Glacier National Park lies an important motor inn called Rising Sun that contributed to the death of the Going to the Sun Chalet located at today’s Sun Point. Across the road from this motor inn and along St. Mary Lake, lies a picnic area and the start of the…

  • Grinnell Glacier

    Grinnell Glacier

    (For an updated and sunnier version of Grinnell Glacier, click here.) The Many Glacier area of Glacier National Park contains many classic (and popular) hikes. One of these gems is the hike up to Grinnell Glacier. Round trip, the hike is about 10 miles long with a gain of about 2,000 feet. It’s completely worth…

  • Scenic Point from a friend’s perspective

    A good friend of mine named Brenda Ahearn (almost like Ahern in the Park) asked me about the silver tree in Glacier National Park and I was pretty sure she was referring to one of the old white bark pines on the Scenic Point trail. She did it this past weekend and blogged about it.…

  • Boulder Ridge

    Boulder Ridge

    On your way into the Many Glacier area of Glacier National Park, you may notice the dam at the foot of Lake Sherburne. On the other side of this dam is an old trail along the boundary heading up to Boulder Ridge. This trail used to provide access up and over Boulder Ridge to the…