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Going to the Sun Road fully opened!
The full Going to the Sun is officially open over Logan Pass! In this June 19th, 2012 blog, you can get a sneak peek!
8 responses to “Going to the Sun Road fully opened!”
Definitely awesome! I was up there earlier today, and it is pretty sweet. A crazy storm was rolling through this afternoon and visibility was practically zero, but it was still really cool with all the giant snowdrifts!
Yeah, it was a cathartic experience! I needed to get out into the Park. I sometimes forget the majesty and when you’re in it, it’s sweet!
Thanks, Jake, couldn’t make it up yesterday! It looks a bit like last year on July 13th, which was opening day last year! Except it was wonderfully sunny that day! Hope you went down the other side and did a hike to some of the established falls. That is my favorite thing to do on opening day but usually it involves a shuttle ride! The shuttle is a gift to hikers! Love it!
Well it’s supposed to be sunny starting tomorrow! Looks like we are more on traditional winter schedule which will make the hiking season longer. The shuttles are awesome. Remember that they don’t start up until July 1st!
Just watched your video about hydration bladders. I live in a more humid climate than MT so my problem with cleaning them is getting the tubes to dry out. Any tips??
BTW, my husband and I would still love to hike Cracker Lake with you. Do you have your late July early Aug schedule planned?The first thing about drying out your tubes is making sure that the end that connects to your bladder can disconnect. I usually kinda windmill it around (make sure you’re not inside or near anybody else!) and then hang it. If you can pull the nozzle off, that helps as well… but it also can weaken how well it seats in the future. What kind do you have?
Oh and I haven’t set my schedule yet. Remind me as you get closer and we’ll try to hook up!
thanks for posting the video on the first day that logan pass is open 2012.
No problem! Thanks soooo much for watching!
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