New Going-to-the-Sun Road Driving & Biking Guide now for sale!

I received a fateful email in July of 2022 from a Hike 734 follower named Yolanda in reply to a newsletter I’d sent out. She explained to me that she used my Going-to-the-Sun Road Driving Guide when she biked the road in the springtime. Her suggestion of adding spring biking information to it was such obvious genius, I got chills when I read it!

Fast forward almost two years later and I’m finally releasing the update called the Going-to-the-Sun Road Driving & Biking Guide (revolutionary, I know). This update includes biking information, more stops along the road, distances between stops, and a few other tweaks like updated artwork and descriptions.

Kristen and I biked up to the Loop with the new map and took some video along the way. Watch the video below, then swing over to the store to pick one up today!

McDonald Creek along Going-to-the-Sun Road

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