Tag: lincoln lake

  • Lincoln Lake 2024

    Lincoln Lake 2024

    Since the last time I’ve hiked Lincoln Lake in Glacier National Park (over 13 years ago), a forest fire came through. The result is a hike that’s teeming with life and views looking to the surrounding mountains. While it’s still not a top ten hike, the changed landscape makes this a much more enjoyable hike…

  • Lincoln Lake

    Lincoln Lake

    Right off of Going to the Sun Road next to Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park, Lincoln Lake trailhead starts and heads up Snyder Ridge in a hurry. It doesn’t offer much in views except little pockets where you’ll get small views of the lake or some surrounding mountains. It starts out in the characteristic…

  • Last Trip!!

    I can’t believe it’s finally here!! The last hike of them all. I’m hiking Lincoln Lake and would love to have you join me as I cross the finish line on October 15th at 2pm at the Lincoln Lake trailhead… oh and here’s a quick video. 😉

  • Snyder Ridge

    Snyder Ridge

    The Snyder Ridge Trail starts near the Apgar Village on the east side of Lake McDonald with a humble trailhead and runs along the eastern shore parallel to Lake McDonald. The trail crosses the Lincoln Lake trail and eventually intersects the Sperry/Gunsight trail and empties at Lake McDonald Lodge. Trail starts out gaining elevation where…