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Swiftcurrent Raptor Count 2015

While spring’s migrations tend to be more intense with all of the waterfowl, I love the fall migration of the raptors. Every fall I head up to Glacier with some of the biologists to count migrating hawks and eagles. While some migration count sites get more hawks than anything else, high up in Glacier’s alpine, we get mostly Golden Eagles.
This trip, with strong winds, the birds were soaring very high, so I didn’t get much footage of them as they’d be little dots, but we did see some mountain goats, some other birds, and the incredible fall colors.
Overall, we counted 89 birds during the 5 hours we were up there with about 15 while we were hiking up and down. Most of them were golden eagles. If you’d like to participate in raptor surveys, please drop me a line and we’ll get you connected! Even if you’re not great at ID’ing them, spotting them is super important and you’ll get much better at ID’ing them as you go along.
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