Tag: Citizen Science

  • Christmas Bird Count 2014

    Christmas Bird Count 2014

    It’s that time of year when the longest running citizen science program in the world kicks off! The annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count is in its 115th year and the great thing is, whether or not you’re an experienced birder, you can be a part of it. Head on over to http://www.audubon.org to connect with…

  • Mt. Brown Lookout Fall 2014

    Mt. Brown Lookout Fall 2014

    It was the last time we were going heading out for a raptor count up Mt. Brown for the year. While it was chilly to say the least and the eagles were few, a grizzly bear foraging below us made for a memorable day! ( By the way, if you’d like to get involved in future…

  • Mt. Brown Raptor Count

    Mt. Brown Raptor Count

    I’ve really been enjoying the raptor counts in Glacier National Park. It’s always exciting to see loads of raptors and the company has been great. With Going-to-the-Sun Road being closed at Avalanche Creek, Swiftcurrent Pass was out. The weather precluded us from going on Tuesday, but with a good forecast for Wednesday, I put out…

  • Lee Ridge & Slide Lake Pika Survey

    Lee Ridge & Slide Lake Pika Survey

    Folks from the Glacier’s Citizen Science Program relayed to me how they were thwarted in their latest attempt to get four last pika surveys done by the amazing limestone boulder fields just below Gable Pass and at Slide Lake in Glacier National Park. I looked at my schedule and took the opportunity to head on up for…

  • Swiftcurrent Raptor Count Part 2

    Swiftcurrent Raptor Count Part 2

    Two weeks had past from my first raptor count when I found myself driving back up to Glacier National Park to do another raptor migration count. While the first trip in late September was a bluebird fall day, we only counted 25 birds. This day in early October was much more dynamic. The clouds were…

  • September Raptor Count

    September Raptor Count

    On a crisp morning, late in September, I rolled up to the humble building housing the fine folks that run the Citizen Science program in Glacier. We were heading on up to Swiftcurrent Pass for the annual raptor count during the fall raptor migration that starts in September and continues into November. As if I needed…

  • Elizabeth Lake Spring 2014

    Elizabeth Lake Spring 2014

    I’ve always entered the Belly River area of Glacier National Park later in summer. Looking at the fields, I knew that the flowers would be beautiful and animals would be aplenty. One of my favorite waterfalls, Dawn Mist Falls, is one of the more powerful waterfalls as it is the entire Belly River pouring over…

  • Quartz Lake Loop Looning 2014

    Quartz Lake Loop Looning 2014

    Working with the Citizen Science Program in Glacier National Park is a great excuse for me to get out (and it helps science in the Park!) as if I needed one. So my buddy TJ and I took off to do the Quartz Lake Loop. Quartz Lake, Middle Quartz Lake and Lower Quartz Lake are…

  • Howe Lake Looning

    Howe Lake Looning

    The harried nature of migrations is waning here in the north and things are beginning to settle in. Snow is melting, flowers are breaking ground and bears are emerging. Birds are establishing their territories, building nests and looking to make little ones in their image. It’s for this last reason that we headed up to…